Friday, January 14, 2022

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Choose 10 Hobbies That Interest You And I'll Guess If You're An Introvert, Extrovert, Or Ambivert

I'm about 97% sure I can get this right.

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from BuzzFeed - Quizzes

These Are 14 Of The Most "Overrated" Actors — I Wanna Know Whether Or Not You Agree

"Keanu Reeves is absolutely a wooden actor." 🤔

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from BuzzFeed - Quizzes

No Joke, We Can Guess Your Birth Month Just Based On The Foods You Pick

I'm sensing you were born in September...

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from BuzzFeed - Quizzes

Here Are The 30 Biggest Songs From Exactly 20 Years Ago — How Many Have You Actually Heard?

2002: What an *interesting* year in music.

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from BuzzFeed - Quizzes

Only '90s Indian Kids Will Be Able To Identify These Music Videos From Just One Frame

Let's see how much TV you watched while growing up?

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from BuzzFeed - Quizzes